Analisis Pengaruh Variasi Usia Pada Delay Fase Nefrogram terhadap Enhancement Citra Anatomi Renalis Dalam CT Scan Urologi

  • Ryvando Anggrian Damara Putra Poltekkes Kemenkes Jakarta II
  • Legia Prananto Poltekkes Kemenkes Jakarta II
  • Retno Prawestri Poltekkes Kemenkes Jakarta II
Keywords: CT urology, Age, Kidney Enhancement


Background: Technically, this research perform CTScans Urology examination using contrast media

undertaken at Tangerang Regional General Hospital (RSUD) using delay in 10 second nephrogram phase

after conducting arterial scanning over all age variations. This matter is purposely conducted to know

whether there is any different influence of renal image enhancement grade over the age variation in the use

of delay of nephrogram phase in CT Scans Urology examination, whereas according to the literature, the

use of delay on nephrogram phase is 90-110 seconds after the injection of contrast media.

Methods: This research applies quantitative method with analytic approach. This research was undertaken

in Tangerang Regional General Hospital starting from February up to April 2024. As for the population of

this research, they are all the results of CTScans Urology examination executed in Tangerang Regional

Hospital conducted starting from February up to April 2024 with as many as 14 patients. Thereafter, the

samples used in this research are secondary data with purposive sampling technique as many as 10 samples

from the results of CT Scans Urology examination.

Results: The results, at the age of ≤ 40 years has grade point average of enhancement 91.92 HU, meanwhile

at the age of ≥ 41 years has a grade point average of enhancement 83.84 HU.

Conclusions: Can be concluded that there is a different grade point average between the age of ≤ 40 years

and the age of ≥ 41 years, however there is not any significant influence if it is seen from the result of T

Test test.

How to Cite
Putra, R. A. D., Prananto, L., & Prawestri, R. (2024). Analisis Pengaruh Variasi Usia Pada Delay Fase Nefrogram terhadap Enhancement Citra Anatomi Renalis Dalam CT Scan Urologi. JRI (Jurnal Radiografer Indonesia), 7(2), 94-98.

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