Analisis Dosis Radiasi Paru-Paru Pada Kanker Payudara Post Mastektomi Menggunakan Teknik Field in Field 3D CRT
Background: Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide and ranked first in Indonesia with 58,256 total cases. Radiotherapy with Field in Field 3D CRT technique is used as a method of post-mastectomy breast cancer treatment using ionizing radiation to stop the growth of cancer cells. The lungs are the most vulnerable organ exposed to radiation so that the radiation dose needs to be controlled. The purpose of this study was to analyze the lung radiation dose in the Field in Field 3D CRT technique with post-mastectomy breast cancer cases at the Radiotherapy Unit of Lavalette Hospital Malang.
Methods: This study is a quantitative study using retrospective data. The study population was all post mastectomy breast cancer patients who underwent radiotherapy irradiation in 2022 at the Radiotherapy Unit of Lavalette Hospital Malang. The sampling technique used was total sampling so that the sample of this study was 37 patients.
Results: The value of lung radiation dose in post-mastectomy breast cancer using Field in Field 3D CRT technique includes mean dose of ipsilateral lung of 1757.23 cGy, mean dose of contralateral lung of 76.19 cGy, V20 of ipsilateral lung of 35.7%, and V20 of contralateral lung of 0%. Based on the results of statistical tests that show that the p value <0.05, which means there is a significant difference in the radiation dose received by the ipsilateral lung and the QUANTEC dose standard.
Conclusions: The mean dose value of the ipsilateral lung in post-mastectomy breast cancer using the Field in Field 3D CRT technique has met the QUANTEC dose tolerance limit. However, the V20 value in post -mastectomy breast cancer using the Field in Field 3D CRT technique does not meet the QUANTEC dose tolerance limit. The reasearch summary and an extra tought (if any) must be well expressed in this section.