Penatalaksanaan Radioterapi Melanoma Pedis Teknik 3D-CRT
Background : Radioteraphy is one of the cancer treatment. Radiation techniques in Melanoma Pedis at MRCCC Siloam Semanggi Hospital can be done with 3 Dimensional Conformal Radiotherapy (3D-CRT) technique. The purpose this research is to evaluation the treatment of radiotherapy using the 3D-CRT techniques at MRCCC Siloam Hospital.
Method : The type of the research is used qualitative with a case study approarch of Melanoma Pedis using 3D-CRT technique in a 69 years old female with IV stage, curative therapy with fraksination 30x1.8 Gray (Gy).
Result : The treatment of radioteraphy to Melanoma Pedis with 3D-CRT technique was chosen taking into account the high stage of the cancer, the purpose of giving radiation that is curative, and none of Organ At Risk (OARs) must be protected.
Conclusions: The treatment of radiotherapy to Melanoma Pedis using 3D-CRT tecnique at MRCCC Siloam Semanggi Hospital is done through in several stages, such as : consulting a Radiation Oncologist at the Radiotherapy Polyclinic, do a simulation on the Computer Tomograpy (CT) simulator, calculated dose at Treatment Planning System (TPS), Process of geometry verification is done before the treatment and then continued with the process of treatment in the linac room